World of Confidence



Mishustin changed the rules of entry to Russia 16.09.2020

The rules of entry to Russia will change — the visa regime will be simplified for foreign citizens whose relatives are Russian citizens. This was stated by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
Mikhail Mishustin held a government meeting today. In the course of which he said that the visa regime for foreigners whose relatives are Russian citizens will be simplified — they will be able to get visas for up to a year.
According to him, the procedure for staying in Russia of foreign spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren of Russians will be simplified today by amending the relevant law. The Prime Minister added that the procedure for issuing visas will also be simplified for these people — they will be able to receive them on the basis of a written application from a Russian citizen.
"In addition, the rule of law will be excluded, because of which every three months guests had to travel outside of our country to retain the right to obtain a visa," Mishustin also said.
 The information source: Rambler
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