World of Confidence



Estonia changes border crossing rules with Russia due to COVID-19 07.07.2021

Estonian Justice Minister Maris Lauri has ordered her staff to prepare a bill on new border crossing rules by Thursday, 8 July, Interfax reports.
The toughest rules for entry will be set for Russia, which is struggling with the delta strain of the coronavirus. Under the forthcoming bill, border crossings could be stopped if the situation deteriorates, the Postimees newspaper reported on Monday.
Now, it is possible to enter Estonia from Russia on presentation of a vaccination certificate or a document proving that the person has been infected with the virus. Vaccinated persons are also not subject to restrictions on freedom of movement.
However, the Estonian Ministry of Justice carried out an analysis, which decided that Estonia has the right to require a negative test for coronavirus also in vaccinated people if the vaccine they used is not approved in the EU.
We are keeping a close eye on the bill and will bring you up to date on any changes.
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