World of Confidence



Russian language testing for citizens from visa free countries 14.02.2013

On December 01, 2012 the changes to the Federal Law № 115-FZ as of July 25, 2002 on "Legal status of foreign citizens in Russia" and to the Federal Law N 273-FZ as of December 29, 2012 on "Education in Russia". 

The changes apply to foreign citizens from visa free countries, intending to work in one of the following spheres:

  • housing and communal services;
  • retailing;
  • household services 

The cerificate, confirming Russian language knowledge (not lower than basic level) shall be presented by a foreign citizen when obtaining or prolonging of work permit.

Nearly 238 Russian language courses are opened in Russia, including 53 free courses, organized with the FMS assistance. 

If a foreign citizen is good at Russian language, he/she can pass the above mentioned test in one of the following centers:

A foreign citizen can be tested for writing, reading and oral skills.  

For additional information, please contact consultants of Confidence Group: 

Moscow office: +7 495 748 7762
St. Petersburg office: +7 812 702 4702

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