World of Confidence



Changes of bank details for the state fee payments of the UFMS of Moscow region (Dokukina str., 14a) 18.10.2013

Starting from October 14, 2013 the Tax Registration Reason Code has been changed in the bank details of the UFMS of Moscow region (Dokukina str., 14a) on the state fee payments for processing foreign labour hire permits and work permits for foreign nationals.


The new КПП is:  502701001

The full details:

Получатель платежа: УФК по Московской области (УФМС России по Московской области)

Расчетный счет: 401 018 106 000 000 10 102

Банк: Отделение 1 Московского ГТУ Банка России по г. Москве 705

ИНН: 7705705588

КПП: 502701001

БИК: 044583001

Код ОКАТО: 46000000000

The state fee payments with old bank details will no longer be accepted starting from November 1, 2013.

For additional information please contact consultants of Confidence Group.

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