World of Confidence



New bank details for the state fee payments of the UFMS of Moscow (Pokrovka str., 42) 30.01.2014

Starting from January 1, 2014 the ОКАТО code has been replaced with the ОКТМО code in the bank details of the UFMS of Moscow (Pokrovka str., 42) on the state fee payments for processing visa and invitations to Russia for foreign citizens.

The new ОКТМО code: 45384000

The full details:

Получатель платежа: УФК по г. Москве (УФМС России по г. Москве)

Расчетный счет: 4010 1810 8000 0001 0041

Банк: Отделение 1 Московского ГТУ Банка России по г. Москве

ИНН: 7706603405

КПП: 770601001

БИК: 044583001

Код ОКТМО: 45384000


The КБК codes:

For invitation to Russia/За оформление приглашения на въезд  - 1921 0806 0000 1001 2110 –500 RUR;

For multiple entry visa/За оформление многократной визы – 1921 0806 0000 1001 1110 – 1000 RUR;

For transit visa/За оформление транзитной визы – 1921 0806 0000 1000 9110 – 600 RUR.

The state fee payments with old bank details are no longer accepted.

For additional information please contact consultants of Confidence Group.

The texts of the newsletters are intellectual property of Confidence Group, protected by the copyright laws of Russia. Full or partial copy and reproduction is not allowed without the source link.
