World of Confidence



an HR conference was held with the participation of Confidence Group on 20.04.2022 26.04.2022

The company Confidence Group has been a member of the American Chamber of Commerce since 2009 and takes part in its important events. Our representative, Sofia Batura, a lawyer and expert in migration law, was invited as a speaker at the annual Human Resources Conference on April 20, 2022.
Sofia covered in detail the most pressing issues of current migration legislation. She spoke about the simplified entry procedure for citizens of the LDPR and Ukraine, about the obligations of a second medical examination, the transfer of employees to remote work, and the restrictions still associated with the coronavirus pandemic.
AmCham expressed its gratitude to the speakers, moderators and 170 executives who took part in the event in person and online. The professional opinion of the Confidence Group representative was highly appreciated by partners and organizers. We were very pleased to receive feedback (quote), for which, in turn, we are sincerely grateful to the author:
"Dear Sofia!
Let me thank you for your participation in our conference, for the excellent presentation and your expertise.
All our participants were delighted with the conference. With your permission, we will send your presentation to the participants, if possible.
Best regards,
Tatiana Ivanova
Director, Events & Marketing
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia"
The conference was divided into two sessions. The first was devoted to legal, administrative and migration issues, and the second - to innovation, strategy and training.
Current topics were covered, including
  • the situation on the labor market in 2022 and in the future;
  • strategy, employee engagement and talent management in times of crisis;
  • old school versus modern training – what are employers looking for?
  • internal communications - how to deal with employee anxiety and panic?
  • training, soft skills vs. hard skills, budget constraints.
For more information, please contact the consultants of the company Confidence Group.
The texts of the newsletters are intellectual property of Confidence Group, protected by the copyright laws of Russia. The information may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without linking to this web site or to pages of this website.  
