N p / p | Name of company | TIN |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after S.P. Botkin " | 7825661685 |
2 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Health Institution "Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases" | 7809010037 |
3 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare "City Mariinsky Hospital" | 7808046224 |
4 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Health Institution "City Dermatovenerological Dispensary" | 7816111540 |
5 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Health Institution "City Polyclinic N 27" | 7812018318 |
6 | St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare "Dermatovenerological Dispensary N 1" | 7801085947 |
7 | Federal budgetary health care institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in St. Petersburg" | 7816363890 |
8 | Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint Petersburg State University" | 7801002274 |
9 | Federal Budgetary Institution of Science "North-Western Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health" | 7815001513 |
10 | Federal State Budgetary Institution "North-Western Regional Scientific and Clinical Center named after L.G. Sokolov of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" | 7802048200 |
11 | Federal public health institution "Medical and sanitary unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region" | 7842328719 |
12 | Limited Liability Company "United Medical Center" | 7842416531 |
13 | Limited Liability Company " MedMigService " | 7811760622 |
14 | Limited Liability Company " OlimpCom " | 7804578588 |
15 | Limited Liability Company " Milamed " | 7811446670 |
16 | Limited Liability Company "Ladya" | 7807308766 |
17 | Limited Liability Company "Medical Center "Panacea" | 7814146280 |
18 | Limited Liability Company " MedProf " | 7805545867 |
19 | Limited Liability Company " MedProfExpert " | 7838453795 |
20 | Limited Liability Company " Medsi St. Petersburg" | 7826117076 |
21 | Limited Liability Company "Eco-Safety Medical Center" | 7816442599 |
22 | Limited Liability Company "Polyclinic of Private Security Guards and Detectives" | 7816099082 |
23 | Limited Liability Company "Center of Medical Commissions" | 7813456089 |
24 | Limited Liability Company "Dynasty" | 7814584260 |
25 | Limited Liability Company "Medical Center "Nevsky" | 7805454994 |
26 | Limited Liability Company "City Medical and Social Center" | 7838392623 |
27 | Limited Liability Company "Med Plus" | 7816495801 |
28 | Limited Liability Company "Alfa Capital" | 7811495967 |
29 | Limited Liability Company "Medical Preventive Examinations of St. Petersburg" | 7841005553 |
30 | Limited Liability Company "MEDEF" | 7840510786 |
31 | Limited Liability Company " LenMed " | 4707031000 |
32 | Limited Liability Company " Amila -Medi" | 7841476087 |
33 | Limited Liability Company " ExpressMedService " | 7802876074 |
34 | Limited Liability Company " PIK- ZDOROVE " | 7802539015 |
35 | Limited Liability Company " MedExpert " | 7804427162 |
36 | Limited Liability Company " EcoMed " | 7810006388 |
37 | Limited Liability Company " Delar " | 7810389885 |
38 | Limited Liability Company "OLMED" | 7816686115 |
39 | Limited Liability Company " LabTest " | 7804167764 |
40 | Limited Liability Company " MedService " | 7816501540 |
41 | Limited Liability Company " Medicalcenter YuZ " | 7805710454 |
42 | Limited Liability Company "OSMED" | 7801668681 |
43 | Limited Liability Company "Medical Center " ItanoMed " | 7810593834 |
44 | Limited Liability Company Medical Center " Eurosibmed " | 7838500364 |
45 | State public health institution of the Leningrad Region "Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases" | 7839343964 |
46 | Limited Liability Company "Center for Medical Examinations and Commissions" | 7810877240 |
47 | Limited Liability Company " Euromed Clinic" | 7814098943 |
The Government of St. Petersburg approved a new list of organizations for medical examination of foreign citizens 07.04.2022
This list includes the following medical organizations:
The resolution entered into force on February 10, 2022, while the previous resolutions were declared invalid.
Source: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru
For more information, please contact the consultants of the Confidence Group company.
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